Rose Quartz
Rose quartz chips arranged in a heart
Want love in your life? Want a relationship? Known as the “stone of love” this powerful stone is important for opening the heart to new experiences. It can heal existing relationships too. Although it is a pretty stone, it is rarely cut into a gemstone for fine jewelry due to its cloudiness. Which makes it all the more appealing to me. I love the roughness of this gentle, loving stone. Think of this as the "Maxwell of stones.”
AKA: Cherry quartz or pink quartz
Rose quartz ranges in shades of pink
Color: Pale pink to red rose which can range from translucent to cloudy opaque. The color comes from small amounts of maganese, titanium or iron in quartz crystals. It can loose its color in prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Origins: Brazil, Madagascar, Afganistan, India, Canada, Germany, United States
Benefits: helps to manifest unconditional love and self love, helps to soothe fears through a sense of security, nurtures and grounds
Healing Properties: improves blood flow, helps with the function of the kidneys and lungs, also helps calm redness in the complexion, and of course it promotes fertility
Chakra: Heart, Solar Plexus, and Sacral
History: The stone was mined in Mesopotamia (present day Iraq) dating back to 7000 BCE. The stone was worn by Ancient Romans, Egyptians and Greeks as protection.
Zodiac: Aries, Taurus and Libra
Birthstone Association Month: January
Rose quartz chips
Tip: Rose quartz is a wonderful stone to have in your bedroom. Remember, you can always display your jewelry as a work of art in your bedroom when you aren’t wearing it. Bringing this stone in your bedroom is like playing Maxwell. ;) Get it, girl!
Place bowls of rose quartz chips on a nightstand to promote a happy loving relationship. According to Feng Shui principles, rose quartz should be placed in the back right corner of your home which is the relationship corner.
Other Pink Stones: Pink/ watermelon tourmaline, morganite, pink apatite, pink garnet, rhodonite. These stones also stimulate to the Heart chakra.
A chunk of rose quartz.
Upcycle broken crayons into fun heart shaped crayons for Valentine’s Day or for any day. Learn how to create crayons using color theory while also doing a fun STEAM project with your children.