Artist Woman Crush Wednesday (African American History Month Edition): Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson
Chronicles from the Village Series: Marcus Garvey Parade, 2010-2012
This artist is a treasure to Columbus and to me. She was a storyteller with her work using paint, wood, buttons and fabric among other things to describe her life in Columbus, Ohio. I met her a few times and spoke to her at length once. I was in high school and she told my mom that she wanted a protege. My mom is an artist in her own right (she'll be my #WCW one day ;-)). We met, discussed art and she gave me a sketchbook, which I still have. Its full of sketches. The protege thing never worked out but I'll never forget talking to her. She seemed like she was not of this world; as if she had transcended this plane. Her eyes were searching my soul. At the time, I was this 15 year old with little self awareness (like most 15 year olds). It is a regret in life that I never spent that time working with her. Even though I didn't, her work still inspires my own.
Poindexter Village Series: Blackberry Patch, 1900-1930, 1992Mixed media on linen
Fun fact about the painting above: my great grandfather is mentioned. Robinson's red sign reads "Mr. Slade Cameraman." During the time of the Blackberry Patch, my great grandfather ran a photography business. Black people would stop in to get their portraits taken by him. He's the ancestor that passed down the artistic genes to my creative family. You can get a better look at the details here.