Alyson + Angel Love Embroidery
I have a love affair with embroidery. I am a surface designer, which means that I design the surface of apparel and decor. Or I put the icing on the cake. And who doesn’t love icing? During my years of working in fashion, I realized that I don’t really care about creating the silhouette or shape of garments. I just like the details! Just give me the deets. Give me the prints, the sequins and the pleats! (Haha, see what I did there?)
The final piece. © 2018 Alyson Toone All Rights Reserved
I have been hand embroidering for several years but I haven’t really gotten past sharing on my Instagram account. I have never offered my embroidery as a product. But I will now. My love affair has grown into a full-fledged relationship. I still love making jewelry, which I see as related to my surface design. All my work involves bringing color, enjoyment and fun details to other peoples lives.
One of the pieces that I am sharing is personal. It is a piece that features the date that my partner, Angel and I decided to become a couple. We realized on our third date that we are soulmates. At the time, I had been on almost every dating app save Grindr. It was a journey that took years and a lot of tears. (Shiiiit, I am great at rhyming today.) Finally on Bumble, I saw a cute guy who wore clear frames and a banana print tee that stood out among all other the guys with photos of themselves at other people’s weddings. He looked like fun. And he is. He’s also dependable, sensitive, thoughtful…just all around fucking perfect.
“I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold” 1928 Charles Demuth
I chose a retro font, mainly because I am absolutely obsessed with the 1970s and the radiating lines of Peter Max style. Angel is also obsessed with the 70s. Ironic, because we are 80s babies that grew up in the 90s. My obsession of the 70s is all about acoustic music and bohemianism. Angel’s obsession is all about the disco era. I figured that I’d capture our shared obsession in an embroidered piece. Also, much of 1970s design gave a nod back to 1920s art deco. So my other influence was “I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold” by Charles Demuth.
I realized after I finished the piece that I didn’t include our names. FAIL. HAHAHAHA. It’s for our home, so I think we know what it means.
I will probably mount this piece in a simple frame.
I got the sudden idea that other people may like to have something custom made for their special dates. If you would, please contact me. We can discuss style, colors, and mounting options.